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ChessGUI is now fully portable

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ChessGUI is now fully portable Empty ChessGUI is now fully portable

Post  Matthias Gemuh Fri May 08, 2009 2:37 pm

ChessGUI is fully portable since version 0.155.


This means the GUI can be used directly from a memory stick.
To do so, install only portable engines and tick "Portable engine" for each.
For each tournament, tick "Portable GUI" in GUI Preferences.

Portable engines are engines that don't depend on fixed paths (defined in ini
files) to work. Almost all UCI engines are portable. Many WB engines are

On the ChessGUI website, there is a ready-to-use portable package
(ChessGUI4Stick). It is left to anybody to expand it with better books, more
tablebase files and stronger engines. The package contains a running
tournament that can be continued immediately after unzipping to stick or hard

On hard drive, use any folder that is not very deep, to avoid too long paths.
If used from stick, limiting the number of debug files (in GUI Preferences) is


Matthias Gemuh

Number of posts : 29
Registration date : 2008-05-21


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