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WBEC Ridderkerk edition 16 results.........

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WBEC Ridderkerk edition 16 results......... Empty WBEC Ridderkerk edition 16 results.........

Post  Leo Dijksman Tue Oct 14, 2008 6:56 pm

WBEC Ridderkerk edition 16 results......... WBEC_logo1small

5th division Gr.A:

Latest results:
Computer is finally fixed Laughing
Group A will be complete replayed as soon Group C is finished!

5th division Gr.C:

Latest results:
Uragano 0.90 11 2.0 / 2 Warrior 1.0.3
NagaSkaki 5.12 11 2.0 / 2 AtlanChess 4.1
Feuerstein 0.4.6 =1 1.5 / 2 HfC 007.06f
Cilian 4.14 =1 1.5 / 2 micro-Max 4.8-m
Mustang 4.97 1= 1.5 / 2 Brainless 20080916
Heracles 0.6.16 11 2.0 / 2 Youk 1.05
Zoidberg 0.1 1= 1.5 / 2 Damas 7c
RDChess 3.23 01 1.0 / 2 Adamant 1.7
Milady 2.30 11 2.0 / 2 Chad'sChess 0.15
Uragano 0.90 11 2.0 / 2 Adamant 1.7
NagaSkaki 5.12 11 2.0 / 2 Brainless 20080916
Feuerstein 0.4.6 1= 1.5 / 2 Zoidberg 0.1
Cilian 4.14 11 2.0 / 2 Milady 2.30
Mustang 4.97 11 2.0 / 2 Chad'sChess 0.15
Heracles 0.6.16 =1 1.5 / 2 HfC 007.06f
Warrior 1.0.3 11 2.0 / 2 Youk 1.05
micro-Max 4.8-m 11 2.0 / 2 Damas 7c
RDChess 3.23 11 2.0 / 2 AtlanChess 4.1

Crosstables and pgn on the WBEC homepage.

Enginelist, latest updates/new engines:

Updated: none found

Best wishes,

Leo Dijksman
Leo Dijksman

Number of posts : 454
Age : 71
Location : Stavenisse
Registration date : 2008-05-17


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