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WBEC Ridderkerk editions 15 results.........

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WBEC Ridderkerk editions 15 results......... Empty WBEC Ridderkerk editions 15 results.........

Post  Leo Dijksman Sun May 25, 2008 5:24 pm

WBEC Ridderkerk editions 15 results......... WBEC_logo1small

WBEC Ridderkerk editions 15 results......... Rybka

Champion of WBEC Ridderkerk edition 15 is Rybka 2.32a-x64!!

Congratulations to Vasik Rajlich and his team!!

Premier division:

Latest results:
Crafty 22.0-x64 - Spike 1.3x4 0-1 72
Spike 1.3x4 - Crafty 22.0-x64 1-0 78
Crafty 22.0-x64 - Spike 1.3x4 0-1 59
Spike 1.3x4 - Crafty 22.0-x64 =-= 123
DeepSjeng 2.7 - SmarThink 1.0-x64 1-0 56
SmarThink 1.0-x64 - DeepSjeng 2.7 0-1 81
DeepSjeng 2.7 - SmarThink 1.0-x64 =-= 135
SmarThink 1.0-x64 - DeepSjeng 2.7 0-1 42
Equilibrium 2.5 - SlowChess blitz WV 1-0 161
SlowChess blitz WV - Equilibrium 2.5 =-= 36
Equilibrium 2.5 - SlowChess blitz WV 1-0 51
SlowChess blitz WV - Equilibrium 2.5 1-0 54
Fruit 2.3.4n-x64 - Shredder 10.1-x64 1-0 63
Shredder 10.1-x64 - Fruit 2.3.4n-x64 =-= 98
Fruit 2.3.4n-x64 - Shredder 10.1-x64 1-0 54
Shredder 10.1-x64 - Fruit 2.3.4n-x64 =-= 71
Gandalf 6.01 - Scorpio 2.0-x64 =-= 107
Scorpio 2.0-x64 - Gandalf 6.01 =-= 119
Gandalf 6.01 - Scorpio 2.0-x64 0-1 106
Scorpio 2.0-x64 - Gandalf 6.01 1-0 53
Glaurung 2.01-x64 - Rybka 2.32a-x64 0-1 50
Rybka 2.32a-x64 - Glaurung 2.01-x64 =-= 33
Glaurung 2.01-x64 - Rybka 2.32a-x64 0-1 60

New engine qualify:
Sloppy for the 2nd div:

Sloppy 2.0-x64 =101 2.5 / 4 Snitch 1.62
Sloppy 2.0-x64 1=01 2.5 / 4 Matacz 1.3 wbec
Sloppy 2.0-x64 1= 1.5 / 2 King Of Kings 2.57
Qualified for the 2nd Division, playing for the 1st now!!

Next result report in 2 days!

Crosstables and pgn on the WBEC homepage.

Enginelist, latest updates/new engines:

New engine: Yoda v1.25 by Daniel Anulliero, France! (Also author of JARS!)
Updated: ZCT 0.3.2445
Updated: Dabbaba 1.06wb
Updated: Ifrit b2-1 (UCI, also sources!)
Updated: GreKo v5.7.1 (Also UCI, Linux & source!)
Updated: Cheese v1.2 (Also UCI & Linux!)
Updated: ChessGui v0.097

Updated: Dirty v210508

Best wishes,

Leo Dijksman
Leo Dijksman

Number of posts : 454
Age : 71
Location : Stavenisse
Registration date : 2008-05-17


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