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WBEC Ridderkerk results..

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WBEC Ridderkerk results.. Empty WBEC Ridderkerk results..

Post  Leo Dijksman Tue Mar 31, 2009 5:25 pm

WBEC Ridderkerk results.. WBEC_logo1small

Premier division Gr.B:

Latest results:
Round 13:
Finished! Relegationgroup start at 03/04/2009!

5th division Final:

Latest results:
Round 6:
Amundsen 0.70-x64 == 1.0 / 2 Timea 4a18
ChessAlex 2.0-r4 01 1.0 / 2 Adam 3.1
Neurosis 2.5 1= 1.5 / 2 TJchess 0.121-R
Xpdnt 080927 11 2.0 / 2 Laurifer 1.0
Feuerstein 0.4.61 01 1.0 / 2 Matilde 2008-x64
BikJump 2.01-x64 1= 1.5 / 2 BigLion 2.23w
HfC 007.06f 1= 1.5 / 2 NagaSkaki 5.12
Uragano 0.90 =1 1.5 / 2 Clarabit 1.03-b3
Amundsen 0.70-x64 11 2.0 / 2 Laurifer 1.0
ChessAlex 2.0-r4 11 2.0 / 2 Timea 4a18
Neurosis 2.5 10 1.0 / 2 Xpdnt 080927
Adam 3.1 =1 1.5 / 2 BigLion 2.23w
Uragano 0.90 1 1.0 / 1 TJchess 0.121-R

Mr.Irrelevant tourney: (Finished!)

Latest results:
Round 11:
Milady 2.30 1= 1.5 / 2 Nanook 1.6
Eden 0.0.13u Java 11 2.0 / 2 Youk 1.05
WESP 0.8a 11 2.0 / 2 Chad'sChess 0.15
ChessRikus 1.4.66 11 2.0 / 2 Dreamer beta
Roque 1.1 == 1.0 / 2 Marquis 0.1.6
Nero 6.1 11 2.0 / 2 Numpty MrI

Crosstables and pgn on the WBEC homepage.

Enginelist, latest updates/new engines:

Gui news: Crafty Chess interface version 3.0b (Also sources!)
Updated: Bright v0.4a2 (UCI-FRC!)

New openingbook for: Brutus Chess v7.Beta 1 (Also X64 & sources!)
Updated: ChessGui v0.146

Best wishes,

Leo Dijksman
Leo Dijksman

Number of posts : 454
Age : 71
Location : Stavenisse
Registration date : 2008-05-17


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