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WBEC Ridderkerk results..

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WBEC Ridderkerk results.. Empty WBEC Ridderkerk results..

Post  Leo Dijksman Tue Jun 09, 2009 4:11 pm

WBEC Ridderkerk results.. WBEC_logo1small

Premier division Champions final:

Latest results:
Round 8:
Rybka 3-x64-2cpu 1110 3.0 / 4 Glaurung 2.2-x64-2cpu
Naum 4.0-2cpu-x64 1=1= 3.0 / 4 Thinker 5.4j-x64-2cpu
Zappa Mexico II-x64-2cpu 1111 4.0 / 4 The Baron 3.8-x64-2cpu
Fruit 2.6d-x64-2cpu =111 3.5 / 4 Spike 1.3x6-2cpu
Hiarcs 12.1-2cpu ==10 2.0 / 4 ChessTiger 2007.1
Bright 0.4a-2cpu 1==0 2.0 / 4 Jonny 3.07b-2cpu
Ktulu 9.0 11=1 3.5 / 4 Pro Deo 1.6
Naum 4.0-2cpu-x64 =1 1.5 / 2 Zappa Mexico II-x64-2cpu

3rd division Final:

Latest results:
Round 8:
Pupsi2 0.07 1==1 3.0 / 4 Leila 0.53h
Capture R01 ===1 2.5 / 4 Diablo 0.5.1
Delphil 1.9g =111 3.5 / 4 Tytan 9.32-x64
Gaia 3.5 11=1 3.5 / 4 Resp 0.19-x64
Bruja 1.9 ==1= 2.5 / 4 Queen 4.03
Chezzz 1.0.3 ==1= 2.5 / 4 Muse 0.899b uci
Pupsi2 0.07 1 1.0 / 1 Muse 0.899b uci

Latest results:
Round 1:
Phalanx XXII Reborn 1101 3.0 / 4 EXchess 5.02b-JA-x64
Knightx 1.92 10=1 2.5 / 4 GreKo 6.5-x64
Ant 2006-F 110= 2.5 / 4 Sorgenkind 0.4
Butcher 1.58-x64 0=1= 2.0 / 4 Thor'sHammer 2.28
Scidlet 3.6 11 2.0 / 2 AICE 0.99.2
Horizon 4.4.057 0.0 / 0 Philidor 1.1.0

Crosstables and pgn on the WBEC homepage.

Enginelist, latest updates/new engines:

Updated: none found sofar

Updated: BlackBishop v1.00 (also UCI!)
News: Hiarcs wins ICT9 in Leiden!! Congrats to Mark Uniacke and his team!!
Updated: FSTM v1.01 beta (FSTM = Fermin Serrano's Tournament Manager)
New: Fairy-Max binary distribution for Linux available! (10 chessvariants supported, including normal chess)
Updated: Critter Chess v0.39 (also sources, UCI only!)

Best wishes,

Leo Dijksman
Leo Dijksman

Number of posts : 454
Age : 71
Location : Stavenisse
Registration date : 2008-05-17


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