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Argentinian copycat criminals

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Argentinian copycat criminals Empty Argentinian copycat criminals

Post  Guenther Simon Mon Jun 16, 2008 2:37 pm

Hi Leo,

That is sad but I can fully understand you, especially after I noticed today that they have stolen
my work too! I also decided to close my site and only left some notes to think about
on my index page. Anything else is deleted!

I know I am late, but I was busy with work and family still I want to offer you
my deepest sympathy after you lost your father.

Best regards,

(Edit: this post was originally meaned as a reply to the previous thread not as a new topic, sorry!)

Guenther Simon

Number of posts : 7
Registration date : 2008-05-24

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Argentinian copycat criminals Empty Re: Argentinian copycat criminals

Post  Leo Dijksman Mon Jun 16, 2008 7:09 pm

Guenther Simon wrote:Hi Leo,

That is sad but I can fully understand you, especially after I noticed today that they have stolen
my work too! I also decided to close my site and only left some notes to think about
on my index page. Anything else is deleted!

I know I am late, but I was busy with work and family still I want to offer you
my deepest sympathy after you lost your father.

Best regards,

(Edit: this post was originally meaned as a reply to the previous thread not as a new topic, sorry!)

Hi Günther,

Thanks for youre condolences!

About the argentinas, they have remove some stolen wbec pages and deep links (they had to after there whole site was full of this: Argentinian copycat criminals Forbidden
after I protected the files/pages.
Some pages where replaced by others like your Cronical page and the CCRL ratinglist, one page I dont know were the copied him from, but the copied it nbecause there are many old, dead links at it Exclamation

Best wishes,

Last edited by Leo Dijksman on Mon Jun 16, 2008 7:10 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : typo)
Leo Dijksman
Leo Dijksman

Number of posts : 454
Age : 71
Location : Stavenisse
Registration date : 2008-05-17


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Argentinian copycat criminals Empty Re: Argentinian copycat criminals

Post  Tony Thomas Tue Jun 17, 2008 9:13 am

Guenther, it is sad to see that you are following the same steps as Leo, thought I do not blame either one of you..When Leo closed down his engine detail pages, I was sad, but I knew that I had a back up with your UCI/WB anthology. Since you deleted that, I no longer know where to look.

Thanks for all your hardwork

Tony Thomas

Number of posts : 22
Age : 42
Location : Atlanta, GA
Registration date : 2008-05-20

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