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MacOs X : Sigma chess Updated and FREE

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MacOs X : Sigma chess Updated and FREE Empty MacOs X : Sigma chess Updated and FREE

Post  JuLieN Wed May 05, 2010 4:41 pm

There's not many (any?) news about MacOs X chess software on Leo's website... so here's one that will rejoice you all MacOs X users out there : Sigma Chess has been updated from version 6.1 to 6.2 last april 20th, and is now FREE!
This version includes the following:
  • Sigma Chess 6.2 is now freeware only and includes all the features from the previous Pro version.
  • Now bundled with the new HIARCS 13.1 engine! This engine is a Universal Binary and thus runs at full speed on Intel Macs. Additionally, a multi processor version is available for even stronger play.
  • A buffer overload bug has been fixed in the UCI Loader.

Note for OS 9 Users: The HIARCS engine and other UCI engines are only available on OS X. However, you can still use Sigma's built-in engine. Note though, that OS 9 is no longer officially supported.
You can download it on its website.


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Registration date : 2010-05-05


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