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WBEC Ridderkerk edition 15 Promotion results.........

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WBEC Ridderkerk edition 15 Promotion results......... Empty WBEC Ridderkerk edition 15 Promotion results.........

Post  Leo Dijksman Sat Jun 21, 2008 8:02 am

WBEC Ridderkerk edition 15 Promotion results......... WBEC_logo1small

Promo B:

Round 3:
Yace 0.99.87 1=10 2.5 / 4 Pepito 1.60b
Cerebro 3.03b uci 01=1 2.5 / 4 TRACE 1.37a
FranMAD 0.13 ==1= 2.5 / 4 Gromit 3.8.2
Quark 2.66 Alpha ==== 2.0 / 4 Homer 2.01-Upre3
Round 4:
Yace 0.99.87 1==1 3.0 / 4 Cerebro 3.03b uci
Pepito 1.60b 1111 4.0 / 4 FranMAD 0.13
Quark 2.66 Alpha 111= 3.5 / 4 Gromit 3.8.2
TRACE 1.37a 0=11 2.5 / 4 Homer 2.01-Upre3
Round 5:
FranMAD 0.13 ===1 2.5 / 4 Cerebro 3.03b uci
Yace 0.99.87 1= 1.5 / 2 Homer 2.01-Upre3

Promo D:

Round 4:
Horizon 4.4 =10= 2.0 / 4 Knightx 1.92
EXchess 5.01b =101 2.5 / 4 Philidor 1.1.0
Ant 2006-F 01=1 2.5 / 4 GreKo 5.7.1
AICE 0.99.2 =101 2.5 / 4 Pupsi 0.19
Round 5:
Horizon 4.4 =1== 2.5 / 4 Pupsi 0.19
Philidor 1.1.0 1100 2.0 / 4 Knightx 1.92
Ant 2006-F 011= 2.5 / 4 AICE 0.99.2
GreKo 5.7.1 101 2.0 / 3 EXchess 5.01b

Promo E:

Round 4:
Garbochesss 2.20 11 2.0 / 2 Matant 5.04
Sage 3.53 1= 1.5 / 2 EveAnn 1.63
Alarm 0.93.1 =1 1.5 / 2 Tinker 6.54
Rattatechess Bologna2007 1= 1.5 / 2 Ayito 0.2.994
Alf 1.09 01 1.0 / 2 Lime 63
Wing 2.0a 11 2.0 / 2 Brutus 5.4
Round 5:
Garbochesss 2.20 11 2.0 / 2 Wing 2.0a
Sage 3.53 10 1.0 / 2 Matant 5.04
Alarm 0.93.1 10 1.0 / 2 EveAnn 1.63
Brutus 5.4 1= 1.5 / 2 Rattatechess Bologna2007
Ayito 0.2.994 01 1.0 / 2 Lime 63
Tinker 6.54 11 2.0 / 2 Alf 1.09
Round 6:
Garbochesss 2.20 =1 1.5 / 2 Rattatechess Bologna2007
Sage 3.53 1= 1.5 / 2 Alarm 0.93.1
Brutus 5.4 =1 1.5 / 2 Lime 63
Ayito 0.2.994 01 1.0 / 2 Tinker 6.54
EveAnn 1.63 01 1.0 / 2 Alf 1.09
Matant 5.04 =1 1.5 / 2 Wing 2.0a

Next report in 2 days!

Crosstables and pgn on the WBEC homepage.

The newspage is open again Exclamation
Enginelist, latest updates/new engines:

Updated: Twisted Logic v20080620 (UCI only!)
Updated: Joanna v2002 1.0.1wb

Updated: ChessGui v0.105

Updated: Cyrano v0.5 (WB2/UCI! Also Sources!)

Updated: ChessGui v0.103

Updated: Ifrit b2-2 (UCI, also sources!)

Best wishes,

PS. Do not put "deeplinks" on other pages/fora it will not work and be awfull to, just to protect my files!!
For people who dont know what a "deeplink" is, it a link which point to images and or download files at any other site, when you do this you keeps visitors away from the 'original' site but the owner of that site have to pay for the used bandwidht!!
Besides that the people will not even have a idea about the existance of the original site!

Last edited by Leo Dijksman on Sat Jun 21, 2008 10:33 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : error)
Leo Dijksman
Leo Dijksman

Number of posts : 454
Age : 71
Location : Stavenisse
Registration date : 2008-05-17


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WBEC Ridderkerk edition 15 Promotion results......... Empty Re: WBEC Ridderkerk edition 15 Promotion results.........

Post  Graham Banks Sat Jun 21, 2008 9:02 am

Thanks for your change of heart Leo.
Your work is very much appreciated.

Regards, Graham.

Graham Banks

Number of posts : 23
Registration date : 2008-05-26

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WBEC Ridderkerk edition 15 Promotion results......... Empty Re: WBEC Ridderkerk edition 15 Promotion results.........

Post  Werner Sat Jun 21, 2008 12:29 pm

I am very glad tooooo!
Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy


Number of posts : 13
Registration date : 2008-05-21

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WBEC Ridderkerk edition 15 Promotion results......... Empty Re: WBEC Ridderkerk edition 15 Promotion results.........

Post  Edsel Apostol Sat Jun 21, 2008 1:48 pm

I am about to announce that a new Twisted Logic version is relesed. Leo beats me to it. Very Happy

I'm just wondering how did you know about it Leo.
Edsel Apostol
Edsel Apostol

Number of posts : 8
Age : 40
Location : Philippines
Registration date : 2008-05-27


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WBEC Ridderkerk edition 15 Promotion results......... Empty Re: WBEC Ridderkerk edition 15 Promotion results.........

Post  Fernando JP Vasquez Sat Jun 21, 2008 2:05 pm

What a great news cheers

Thanks for returning

Your site is a reference for all engine lovers

Regards, Fernando

Fernando JP Vasquez

Number of posts : 13
Location : Lisboa, Portugal
Registration date : 2008-05-24

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WBEC Ridderkerk edition 15 Promotion results......... Empty Re: WBEC Ridderkerk edition 15 Promotion results.........

Post  Leo Dijksman Sat Jun 21, 2008 4:26 pm

Edsel Apostol wrote:I am about to announce that a new Twisted Logic version is relesed. Leo beats me to it. Very Happy
I'm just wondering how did you know about it Leo.
WBEC Ridderkerk edition 15 Promotion results......... Twisted_logic

I am just lucky Smile
Only not in loteries Sad

Best wishes,
Leo Smile
Leo Dijksman
Leo Dijksman

Number of posts : 454
Age : 71
Location : Stavenisse
Registration date : 2008-05-17


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WBEC Ridderkerk edition 15 Promotion results......... Empty Re: WBEC Ridderkerk edition 15 Promotion results.........

Post  Graham Banks Sun Jun 22, 2008 1:51 am

What happened with the Pepito author? Did he lose interest?

Graham Banks

Number of posts : 23
Registration date : 2008-05-26

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WBEC Ridderkerk edition 15 Promotion results......... Empty Re: WBEC Ridderkerk edition 15 Promotion results.........

Post  Leo Dijksman Sun Jun 22, 2008 8:42 am

Graham Banks wrote:What happened with the Pepito author? Did he lose interest?
WBEC Ridderkerk edition 15 Promotion results......... Pepito

Yes, he lost his interrest 5 years ago Sad but the good news is that he want to enjoy computer chess again Smile
Since a few months Carlos works at Pepito now and then but wanted to keep it quiet for a while, lets hope Carlos will stay for a long time.

Best wishes,

P.S.Like Tony expected already, "Comeback 0.60" was a Pepito beta Exclamation
Leo Dijksman
Leo Dijksman

Number of posts : 454
Age : 71
Location : Stavenisse
Registration date : 2008-05-17


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WBEC Ridderkerk edition 15 Promotion results......... Empty Re: WBEC Ridderkerk edition 15 Promotion results.........

Post  Graham Banks Sun Jun 22, 2008 11:03 am

Leo Dijksman wrote:
Graham Banks wrote:What happened with the Pepito author? Did he lose interest?
WBEC Ridderkerk edition 15 Promotion results......... Pepito

Yes, he lost his interrest 5 years ago Sad but the good news is that he want to enjoy computer chess again Smile
Since a few months Carlos works at Pepito now and then but wanted to keep it quiet for a while, lets hope Carlos will stay for a long time.

Best wishes,

P.S.Like Tony expected already, "Comeback 0.60" was a Pepito beta Exclamation

Good news. Thanks Leo. cat

Graham Banks

Number of posts : 23
Registration date : 2008-05-26

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