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Test Smarthink 1.10, 15m+10s

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Test Smarthink 1.10, 15m+10s Empty Test Smarthink 1.10, 15m+10s

Post  Pavel Háse Tue Jun 24, 2008 8:25 pm


SmarThink 1.10          *260+ 69=100- 91, 45.8 %
Hiarcs 12SP              * 20+ 14=  6-  0, 85.0 %
Naum 3.1/32              * 20+ 12=  8-  0, 80.0 %
Glaurung 2.1              * 20+ 10=  8-  2, 70.0 %
Shredder 11 UCI          * 20+ 11=  6-  3, 70.0 %
Fruit 2.3.1              * 20+  9=  9-  2, 67.5 %
Spike 1.2 Turin          * 20+  7= 11-  2, 62.5 %
Deep Sjeng 2.7            * 20+  7=  7-  6, 52.5 %
Gandalf 6.0              * 20+  6=  8-  6, 50.0 %
Ktulu 8                  * 20+  5= 10-  5, 50.0 %
Bright 0.3a              * 20+  6=  7-  7, 47.5 %
Chess Tiger 2007.1        * 20+  3= 10-  7, 40.0 %
Delfi 5.3                * 20+  0=  8- 12, 20.0 %
Cerebro 3.03b            * 20+  1=  2- 17, 10.0 %

download games here

Books: Fruit my ph-book2008.bin, Glaurung last book.bin by Salvo Spitaleri, Spike my last SpikeTurnPH-Book.scb, Cerebro my try2-ph-book, other own.
AMD Sempron 3000+, GUI Fritz 11, hash 64MB, 345TB/EGBB.
Pavel Háse
Pavel Háse

Number of posts : 14
Age : 58
Location : Prague, Czech
Registration date : 2008-05-29


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