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edition 16, Premier Division

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edition 16, Premier Division Empty edition 16, Premier Division

Post  Vincent Lejeune Wed Jul 23, 2008 12:03 pm

"Hiarcs 12 = Sponsored by an supporter!!"
Great !!

Rybka 2.32a-x64 -> waiting for a sponsor for Rybka 3 ?
Naum 3.0-x64 -> why not Naum 3.1 (it's a free update, I think) ?
Thinker 5.1E-x64 -> Thinker 5.2B is already out, I think
Deep Sjeng -> Where is it ? waiting for a sponsor for Deep Sjeng 3.0 ?
Shredder -> Where is it ? waiting for a sponsor for shredder 11 ?

My best,

Vincent Lejeune

Number of posts : 15
Registration date : 2008-06-21

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edition 16, Premier Division Empty Re: edition 16, Premier Division

Post  Leo Dijksman Wed Jul 23, 2008 3:29 pm

Vincent Lejeune wrote:"Hiarcs 12 = Sponsored by an supporter!!"
Great !!

Rybka 2.32a-x64 -> waiting for a sponsor for Rybka 3 ? I dont have 3 at this moment Smile
Naum 3.0-x64 -> why not Naum 3.1 (it's a free update, I think) ? I dont have 3.1 at this moment Smile
Thinker 5.1E-x64 -> Thinker 5.2B is already out, I think Not when I created the list!
Deep Sjeng -> Where is it ? waiting for a sponsor for Deep Sjeng 3.0 ? To late!!
Shredder -> Where is it ? waiting for a sponsor for shredder 11 ? To late!!

My best,
Leo Dijksman
Leo Dijksman

Number of posts : 454
Age : 71
Location : Stavenisse
Registration date : 2008-05-17


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edition 16, Premier Division Empty Re: edition 16, Premier Division

Post  Vincent Lejeune Fri Jul 25, 2008 12:44 am

Leo Dijksman wrote:
Deep Sjeng -> Where is it ? waiting for a sponsor for Deep Sjeng 3.0 ? To late!!
Shredder -> Where is it ? waiting for a sponsor for shredder 11 ? To late!!

Note that if you get both , you can make 2 groups of 15 engines instead of 14 Cool

Vincent Lejeune

Number of posts : 15
Registration date : 2008-06-21

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edition 16, Premier Division Empty Re: edition 16, Premier Division

Post  Dr.Wael Deeb Sun Jul 27, 2008 11:14 pm

Vincent Lejeune[b] wrote:"Hiarcs 12 = Sponsored by an supporter!!"[/b]
Great !!

Rybka 2.32a-x64 -> waiting for a sponsor for Rybka 3 ?
Naum 3.0-x64 -> why not Naum 3.1 (it's a free update, I think) ?
Thinker 5.1E-x64 -> Thinker 5.2B is already out, I think
Deep Sjeng -> Where is it ? waiting for a sponsor for Deep Sjeng 3.0 ?
Shredder -> Where is it ? waiting for a sponsor for shredder 11 ?

My best,

I think we must give the credit to my dear friend and almost a brother Tony Thomas who supported Leo,
this talks enough about what kind of person he is actualy Very Happy

Thanks buddy and may the Great Goat bless you cheers
Dr.Wael Deeb
Dr.Wael Deeb

Number of posts : 34
Location : Amman,Jordan
Registration date : 2008-05-22

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edition 16, Premier Division Empty Re: edition 16, Premier Division

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