New engine matches result........
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New engine matches result........
Hi all,
Cyrano for the 1st div:
Dirty for the 4th div:
Xpdnt for the 4th div:
Crosstables and pgn on the WBEC homepage.
Enginelist, latest updates/new engines:
Updated: DanaSah v3.70 (Also FRC and sources!)
Updated: Caligula v0.3b
Updated: miIGU (UCI interface, also blindfolded play possible.)
Updated: Hermann v2.3("Leiden") (Also UCI, Linux(x32 and x64)! And FRC!)
Best wishes,
Cyrano for the 1st div:
Tao 5.7 b07 uci =1=1 3.0 / 4 Cyrano 0.4
E.T.Chess 181105 1=01 2.5 / 4 Cyrano 0.4
Ufim 8.02 ==1= 2.5 / 4 Cyrano 0.4
Dirty for the 4th div:
Dirty 0.99k 0011 2.0 / 4 Popochin 3.1
Dirty 0.99k 1=10 2.5 / 4 Chispa 4.03
Dirty 0.99k =011 2.5 / 4 RomiChess P3k
Xpdnt for the 4th div:
Chispa 4.03 01=1 2.5 / 4 Xpdnt 080209-ja
Popochin 3.1 01=1 2.5 / 4 Xpdnt 080209-ja
RomiChess P3k 1110 3.0 / 4 Xpdnt 080209-ja
Xpdnt looks a bit buggy to me?
[Event "WBEC16 New Engine Matches"]
[Site "ATHLON-MP2200"]
[Date "2008.06.02"]
[Round "2.4"]
[Number "28"]
[White "Popochin 3.1"]
[Black "Xpdnt 080209-ja"]
[Result "1-0"]
[TimeControl "40/2400"]
[Annotator "2. -0.17 1... +0.21"]
1. g3 e6 {+0.21/12} 2. Nf3 {-0.17/16} d5 {+0.27/13} 3. d4 {-0.09/16}
Nf6 {+0.32/11} 4. Nc3 {-0.09/15} Be7 {+0.33/11} 5. Bg2 {-0.06/15}
O-O {+0.42/12} 6. O-O {-0.04/16} c5 {+0.40/11} 7. dxc5 {-0.07/14}
Bxc5 {+0.43/12} 8. Bg5 {-0.03/14} Be7 {+0.42/11} 9. Qd3 {+0.00/13}
Nc6 {+0.40/12} 10. Bf4 {-0.10/13} Nh5 {+0.51/9} 11. Be3 {+0.00/14}
Bd7 {+0.51/10} 12. a3 {+0.00/12} Rc8 {+0.48/10} 13. Rad1 {+0.00/12}
Kh8 {+0.43/11} 14. Bc1 {+0.17/12} f5 {+0.49/11} 15. Be3 {+0.18/13}
Nf6 {+0.55/11} 16. Nb5 {+0.16/10} e5 {+2.06/11} 17. Ng5 {-0.12/11}
d4 {+2.31/11} 18. Bxc6 {-0.53/13} bxc6 {+2.22/13} 19. Nxd4 {-0.57/14}
exd4 {+2.26/12} 20. Bxd4 {-0.64/13} Rc7 {+2.21/12} 21. Qc4 {-0.81/14}
Qe8 {+2.23/11} 22. Be5 {-0.74/11} Rb7 {+2.41/10} 23. Nf3 {-0.72/11}
Ne4 {+2.64/10} 24. h3 {-0.88/12} Qg6 {+2.80/9} 25. b3 {-1.23/10}
Bc8 {+2.93/9} 26. Bf4 {-1.23/11} Rb6 {+3.00/9} 27. Ne5 {-1.68/13}
Qe8 {+3.41/11} 28. Nd3 {-1.84/11} Bxa3 {+3.40/10} 29. f3 {-1.79/13}
Nd6 {+3.32/11} 30. Qd4 {-1.74/13} Nb5 {+3.19/10} 31. Qa1 {-1.82/13}
Ra6 {+3.39/11} 32. e3 {-1.74/14} Bb4 {+3.17/12} 33. Qe5 {-1.88/14}
Bc3 {+3.23/12} 34. Qc5 {-1.89/14} Rg8 {+3.21/12} 35. Rf2 {-1.52/11}
Qf8 {+3.22/12} 36. Ne5 {-1.67/14} Be6 {+3.47/11} 37. Nd3 {-1.64/13} Bd5 38.
e4 {-1.40/13} Bf7 {+2.26/12} 39. Qxf5 {-1.55/15} Qe8 {+2.12/12} 40.
Nc5 {-0.48/11} Ra2 {+1.97/13} 41. Be3 {-0.62/14} Bh5 {+1.96/11} 42.
Nb7 {-0.65/13} Rf8 {+1.87/10} 43. Qc5 {-0.39/14} Qc8 {+1.40/12} 44.
Qxh5 {-0.19/14} Qxb7 {+1.33/11} 45. Bc5 {-0.26/14} Rg8 {+1.26/13} 46.
f4 {-0.12/13} Na3 {+1.91/12} 47. Bxa3 {-0.31/15} Rxa3 48. e5 {-0.37/14}
c5 {+1.64/10} 49. Kh2 {-0.32/15} Ra2 {+1.35/11} 50. e6 {-0.42/15}
Qe4 {+1.14/12} 51. Qd5 {+0.00/15} Qb4 {-0.35/11} 52. e7 {+1.50/15} Qb8 ????
53. Qxg8+ {+11.85/19} Qxg8 54. Rd8 {+13.27/20}
{Black resigns} 1-0
[Event "WBEC16 New Engine Matches"]
[Site "ATHLON-MP2200"]
[Date "2008.06.03"]
[Round "3.2"]
[Number "30"]
[White "Xpdnt 080209-ja"]
[Black "RomiChess P3k"]
[Result "0-1"]
[TimeControl "40/2400"]
[Annotator "4. +0.39 2... +0.54"]
1. c4 c6 2. e4 d5 {+0.54/9} 3. exd5 Nf6 {-0.19/8} 4. Qa4 {+0.39/12}
e6 {+0.32/15} 5. dxe6 {+0.44/10} Bxe6 {+0.11/16} 6. Nf3 {+0.67/11}
Bc5 {+0.30/15} 7. Be2 {+0.53/12} Bg4 {+0.01/15} 8. Qb3 {+0.52/10}
Bxf3 {-0.12/15} 9. Qxf3 {+0.84/11} Nbd7 {+0.16/15} 10. d3 {+0.73/11}
Ne5 {-0.09/14} 11. Qg3 {+0.80/11} Bd4 {-0.17/14} 12. Nc3 {+0.77/11}
O-O {-0.05/15} 13. O-O {+0.70/11} Re8 {-0.28/15} 14. Be3 {+0.74/11}
Ng6 {-0.06/15} 15. Rab1 {+0.73/10} Re7 {-0.08/15} 16. Rfe1 {+0.63/12}
Be5 {-0.14/17} 17. Qf3 {+0.60/12} Qc7 {-0.04/16} 18. Qh3 {+0.56/11}
Bxc3 {+0.09/17} 19. bxc3 {+0.42/12} Qa5 {+0.00/16} 20. Rb2 {+0.39/12}
Qxc3 {+0.21/16} 21. Reb1 {+0.36/12} b6 {+0.32/16} 22. d4 {+0.36/12}
Rae8 {+0.39/16} 23. Qf5 {+0.47/11} Rxe3 {+0.48/17} 24. fxe3 {+0.57/11}
Rxe3 {+0.45/16} 25. d5 {+0.22/12} Qd4 {+0.98/16} 26. Kh1 {+0.14/12}
cxd5 {+0.82/16} 27. cxd5 {+0.24/11} Ne7 {+0.58/15} 28. Qf2 {+0.27/12}
Ne4 {+0.72/15} 29. Qf4 {+0.32/11} g5 {+0.38/16} 30. Qf1 {+0.25/11}
Nc3 {+0.39/15} 31. Bh5 {+0.50/11} f5 {+0.51/15} 32. Rc1 f4 {+0.27/15} 33.
Bf3 {+0.61/10} Nexd5 {+0.15/15} 34. Qa6 {+0.45/10} Qe5 {-0.01/15} 35.
Rf2 {+0.68/11} Qe7 {-0.27/15} 36. Qc4 Qe6 {-0.11/15} 37. Rff1
Kg7 {-0.06/15}
{White resigns} 0-1 ????
Crosstables and pgn on the WBEC homepage.
Enginelist, latest updates/new engines:
Updated: DanaSah v3.70 (Also FRC and sources!)
Updated: Caligula v0.3b
Updated: miIGU (UCI interface, also blindfolded play possible.)
Updated: Hermann v2.3("Leiden") (Also UCI, Linux(x32 and x64)! And FRC!)
Best wishes,
Re: New engine matches result........
Hi Leo,
The Xpdnt bug has been reported by Graham Banks in CCC. I forgot which thread though...
edit add: here is the post from Graham:
The Xpdnt bug has been reported by Graham Banks in CCC. I forgot which thread though...
edit add: here is the post from Graham:
Lex Dominic- Number of posts : 4
Registration date : 2008-05-28
Re: New engine matches result........
Lex Dominic wrote:Hi Leo,
The Xpdnt bug has been reported by Graham Banks in CCC. I forgot which thread though...
edit add: here is the post from Graham:
Hi Lex,
Thanks for the info!
It is not just 'my' problem then
Best wishes,
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