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New engine matches result........ Empty New engine matches result........

Post  Leo Dijksman Fri Jun 06, 2008 6:00 pm

Hi all,

Lodocase for the 4th div:

Popochin 3.1 11== 3.0 / 4 Lodocase 240208
Chispa 4.03 1111 4.0 / 4 Lodocase 240208
RomiChess P3k 1111 4.0 / 4 Lodocase 240208

Oxygen for the 4th div:

Chispa 4.03 =111 3.5 / 4 Oxygen 0.23
Popochin 3.1 111 3.0 / 3 Oxygen 0.23
RomiChess P3k 1111 4.0 / 4 Oxygen 0.23

Sorgenkind for the 2nd div:

Comet B.68 101= 2.5 / 4 Sorgenkind 0.2
Matacz 1.3 wbec 1 1.0 / 1 Sorgenkind 0.2
Snitch 1.62 =111 3.5 / 4 Sorgenkind 0.2

Brainless for the 4th div:

RomiChess P3k 1111 4.0 / 4 Brainless 20080519
Chispa 4.03 11=1 3.5 / 4 Brainless 20080519
Popochin 3.1 1 1.0 / 1 Brainless 20080519

Alfil promotionmatch:

Alfil 8.11 1111 4.0 / 4 Matacz 1.3 wbec
Alfil 8.11 =1=1 3.0 / 4 Snitch 1.62
Alfil 8.11 1= 1.5 / 2 Comet B.68

Alfil games at the "promotion" page, also the startdates and
participants for the Promo tournaments !!

Crosstables and pgn on the WBEC homepage.

Enginelist, latest updates/new engines:

Updated: Dabbaba 1.10wb

Best wishes,

Leo Dijksman
Leo Dijksman

Number of posts : 454
Age : 70
Location : Stavenisse
Registration date : 2008-05-17


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New engine matches result........ Empty Re: New engine matches result........

Post  Tony Thomas Sat Jun 07, 2008 3:52 am

Does that mean Alfil promots straight to 2nd division and not the 3rd? I think that Alfil is strong enough for the first division, when are you going to create a new rating list, playing against weaker opposition might have hurt its chance to a straight 3 div promo??


Tony Thomas

Number of posts : 22
Age : 42
Location : Atlanta, GA
Registration date : 2008-05-20

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New engine matches result........ Empty Re: New engine matches result........

Post  Leo Dijksman Sat Jun 07, 2008 8:29 am

Tony Thomas wrote:Does that mean Alfil promots straight to 2nd division and not the 3rd? I think that Alfil is strong enough for the first division, when are you going to create a new rating list, playing against weaker opposition might have hurt its chance to a straight 3 div promo??


Yes, Alfil promotes to the 2nd division Smile

Current ratinglist:
Rank Name                       Elo    +    - games score oppo. draws 
1 Rybka 2.32a-x64 3050 76 68 92 83% 2793 23%
2 Zappa Mexico II-x64 2986 69 64 92 76% 2796 25%
3 Fruit 2.3.4n-x64 2963 67 64 92 73% 2797 26%
4 Naum 3.0-x64 2952 65 62 92 71% 2797 30%
5 Spike 1.3x4 2888 44 43 184 65% 2784 32%
6 Shredder 10.1-x64 2880 63 62 92 60% 2800 24%
7 Glaurung 2.01-x64 2860 61 59 92 60% 2801 37%
8 DeepSjeng 2.7 2841 60 59 92 57% 2802 35%
9 Hiarcs X54-x64 2828 42 41 184 57% 2786 40%
10 Thinker 5.0m-x64 2825 58 58 92 54% 2803 42%
11 Ktulu 8.0 2802 43 42 184 53% 2788 32%
12 Scorpio 2.0-x64 2795 60 61 92 48% 2804 32%
13 Movei 0.08.438 2776 65 62 92 68% 2645 23%
14 Equilibrium 2.5 2776 59 60 92 46% 2805 36%
15 Gandalf 6.01 2753 23 23 644 55% 2720 34%
16 The Baron 2.22-x64 2751 58 59 92 43% 2806 40%
17 ChessTiger 2007-1 2750 62 60 92 65% 2646 30%
18 SmarThink 1.0-x64 uci 2749 30 30 368 48% 2764 34%
19 The King 3.33 2744 22 22 720 55% 2708 31%
20 Chiron 0.87 2736 63 61 92 63% 2647 25%
21 WildCat 7.0 2735 44 44 184 53% 2712 28%
22 Pro Deo 1.6b 2735 62 60 92 63% 2647 28%
23 Bright 0.2b 2732 62 60 92 63% 2647 29%
24 Delfi 5.2 2729 61 59 92 62% 2647 35%
25 Pharaon 3.51 2723 39 39 216 43% 2774 36%
26 Colossus 2007d 2721 62 60 92 61% 2647 29%
27 Alaric 707 2720 70 65 92 76% 2524 22%
28 SlowChess blitz WV2.1 2709 34 35 276 40% 2778 37%
29 Ruffian 2.1.0 2707 20 20 848 51% 2699 35%
30 Booot 4.14.0 2698 68 64 92 73% 2525 22%
31 Aristarch 4.50 2694 21 21 752 51% 2690 33%
32 Maestro 2.0 2692 62 64 92 34% 2808 27%
33 Petir 5.0 2676 60 60 92 53% 2649 30%
34 Frenzee 3.0-x64 2665 42 42 184 54% 2635 35%
35 SOS 5.1 2648 24 24 616 42% 2705 30%
36 Jonny 2.86 2645 62 65 92 27% 2811 30%
37 Pseudo 0.7c 2643 24 25 580 52% 2629 32%
38 Crafty 22.0-x64 2631 65 69 92 26% 2811 24%
39 WARP 0.65 2631 22 22 704 47% 2654 31%
40 Hamsters 0.6 2625 62 60 92 64% 2528 28%
41 Cerebro 3.03b 2623 64 62 92 63% 2528 22%
42 Ufim 8.02 2623 42 43 184 48% 2636 32%
43 Chepla 0.73 2622 33 33 304 49% 2627 35%
44 E.T.Chess 181105 2621 29 29 396 51% 2615 34%
45 Zarkov 4.97 2609 42 42 184 45% 2637 34%
46 Alfil 8.11 2607 106 89 62 88% 2295 15%
47 AnMon 5.60 2596 31 31 364 48% 2610 26%
48 GreenLightChess 2591 22 22 704 47% 2610 33%
49 Tao 5.7 b07 uci 2586 25 25 548 43% 2635 31%
50 SpiderChess 070603 2586 59 58 92 58% 2530 36%
51 Yace 0.99.87 2585 21 21 747 44% 2629 31%
52 TRACE 1.37a 2578 43 43 184 52% 2569 29%
53 Quark 2.66 Alpha 2564 33 34 304 48% 2576 29%
54 Homer 2.01-Upre3 2562 60 59 92 56% 2531 34%
55 Erendal 1.3 2554 65 62 92 68% 2425 26%
56 FranMAD 0.13 2541 32 31 339 51% 2539 31%
57 TwistedLogic 20071015 2540 65 62 92 66% 2426 23%
58 BugChess2 1.5.2 2535 64 62 92 65% 2426 24%
59 Comet B.68 2528 20 20 832 48% 2539 31%
60 DanaSah 3.13 2525 62 59 92 65% 2427 32%
61 Arasan 10.2-x64 2521 57 57 92 48% 2533 46%
62 Pepito 1.59 2518 19 19 1020 42% 2571 28%
63 Gromit 3.8.2 2511 17 17 1188 48% 2526 30%
64 CEng 2.53.6b 2510 28 28 460 54% 2482 23%
65 Amyan 1.59.7 2509 26 26 524 50% 2509 27%
66 Hermann 2.0.17 2508 63 61 92 61% 2427 25%
67 Nejmet 3.07 2506 18 18 1036 45% 2545 31%
68 King Of Kings 2.57 2504 22 22 736 47% 2522 28%
69 Gosu 0.16 2501 37 37 248 56% 2455 27%
70 Abrok 5.0 2500 19 18 1016 51% 2496 29%
71 Typhoon 1.00-348 2495 61 62 92 45% 2534 27%
72 Djinn 0.925x 2490 35 35 276 55% 2460 31%
73 Snitch 1.62 2489 32 32 340 53% 2468 26%
74 PostModernist 1016 2488 35 36 276 48% 2503 24%
75 Matacz 1.3 wbec 2488 52 52 124 46% 2515 29%
76 Dragon 5.0.2 2483 42 42 184 46% 2511 33%
77 BBChess 1.2a 2470 141 110 59 93% 1973 7%
78 KnightDreamer 3.3 2464 21 21 768 45% 2495 29%
79 TheCrazyBishop 0052 2459 22 22 740 51% 2452 29%
80 Amateur 2.86 2449 24 24 612 46% 2474 26%
81 Leila 0.53h 2449 18 18 1140 49% 2458 24%
82 Muse 0.899b uci 2440 23 23 672 51% 2435 27%
83 Butcher 1.58-x64 2440 61 61 92 51% 2430 27%
84 Phalanx XXII Reb 2436 62 61 92 51% 2431 25%
85 Delphil 1.8 2435 60 60 92 51% 2431 32%
86 Capture R01 2431 23 23 648 51% 2421 30%
87 Tytan 9.32-x64 2428 62 62 92 49% 2431 23%
88 Diablo 0.5.1 2424 43 43 184 51% 2415 27%
89 Bruja 1.9 2420 24 24 612 49% 2427 24%
90 Pupsi 0.19 2417 79 75 62 67% 2301 24%
91 Philidor 1.1.0 2415 80 76 62 65% 2301 21%
92 Horizon 4.4 2408 78 74 62 66% 2301 26%
93 Gaia 3.5 2406 35 35 276 51% 2398 27%
94 Chezzz 1.0.3 2393 19 20 951 45% 2426 23%
95 Queen 3.09 2387 29 30 396 43% 2439 29%
96 GreKo 5.5 2366 75 73 62 60% 2303 29%
97 Zeus 1.29 2364 77 74 62 59% 2303 24%
98 Knightx 1.92 2361 25 25 580 50% 2361 20%
99 FluxII 2.2 2361 73 72 62 58% 2303 32%
100 Thor'sHammer 2.28 2359 27 27 488 49% 2369 26%
101 Ant 2006-F 2357 36 36 276 44% 2400 23%
102 LittleThought 1.03 2351 78 77 62 56% 2303 13%
103 Resp 0.19 2344 17 17 1232 47% 2365 26%
104 Popochin 3.1 2343 75 74 62 55% 2304 26%
105 AICE 0.99.2 2341 43 43 202 51% 2330 21%
106 nanoSzachy 3.1 2341 75 74 62 56% 2304 24%
107 Anechka 0.08 2328 44 44 182 46% 2359 25%
108 EXchess 5.01b 2324 34 34 308 40% 2396 24%
109 Scidlet 3.6 2319 21 21 806 45% 2355 22%
110 RomiChess P3k 2317 72 72 62 52% 2304 34%
111 Brutus 4.8 2315 208 154 25 94% 1859 12%
112 Eeyore 1.49i 2313 25 25 554 46% 2340 25%
113 Waster 0.16 2313 32 32 334 48% 2324 27%
114 Chispa 4.03 2311 25 25 522 48% 2320 31%
115 Natwarlal 0.14 2302 78 78 62 49% 2305 15%
116 Deuterium 2286 75 75 62 48% 2305 21%
117 Rotor 0.2 2285 72 72 62 48% 2305 34%
118 AliChess 4.16 2278 73 73 62 47% 2306 32%
119 Garbochesss 0.21 2265 92 85 59 77% 2026 22%
120 Gibbon 2.42c 2256 74 76 62 43% 2306 24%
121 Brutus 5.1 2254 108 102 34 65% 2148 18%
122 Atlas 2.20 2250 42 41 247 57% 2161 16%
123 BlackBishop 0.54 2247 75 77 62 42% 2307 23%
124 Latista 1.50 2246 39 39 246 50% 2241 19%
125 Tinker 6.13 2242 55 55 120 54% 2218 23%
126 Ayito 0.2.994 2235 37 37 305 55% 2172 12%
127 Gaviota 0.33 2222 22 22 779 46% 2247 19%
128 Wing 2.0a 2217 38 38 246 46% 2242 24%
129 Sage 3.27d 2214 76 78 62 37% 2308 23%
130 EveAnn 1.63 2208 72 75 62 35% 2308 34%
131 Alarm 0.931 2201 76 79 62 35% 2308 19%
132 CyberPagno 2.10 2192 76 79 62 34% 2308 23%
133 Matant 5.04 2185 91 87 59 67% 1987 12%
134 Rattatechess Bologna2007 2184 89 85 59 65% 2039 12%
135 Adam 3.1 2180 92 89 59 68% 1987 10%
136 Mediocre 0.332 uci 2174 89 85 59 64% 2040 10%
137 Neurosis 2.4b3 2157 86 83 59 62% 2041 15%
138 Clarabit 1.00 pre4 2154 104 104 34 50% 2154 12%
139 Alf 1.09 2154 86 84 59 62% 2041 15%
140 Uragano 0.90 2142 57 57 117 56% 2080 20%
141 NagaSkaki 4.0 2136 37 37 292 47% 2143 20%
142 Lime 63 2133 61 60 124 63% 1999 10%
143 Timea 4a15 2101 104 107 34 43% 2157 15%
144 Geisterauge 0.07 2097 31 31 414 47% 2110 19%
145 Clarabit 1.00 pre 2080 144 132 25 70% 1868 12%
146 Bestia 0.90 2062 25 25 635 46% 2079 20%
147 Timea 4a14 2057 103 96 50 73% 1818 14%
148 Mustang 4.69 2049 132 125 25 66% 1891 20%
149 Matheus 2.3 2029 27 27 553 53% 1992 21%
150 Mustang 4.97 2024 101 108 34 32% 2162 24%
151 Prophet 2.0 2022 137 130 25 64% 1892 8%
152 HfC 007.05 2013 140 132 25 66% 1871 12%
153 King's Out 0.2.42 2008 70 71 92 52% 1965 9%
154 Taktix 2.23x 2002 135 130 25 62% 1871 20%
155 Gerbil 0.2 2002 24 24 739 48% 2009 15%
156 RivalChess 1.18 1998 125 121 25 62% 1893 28%
157 Feuerstein 0.4.52 1996 146 137 25 68% 1770 16%
158 TJchess 0.96-R 1991 128 125 25 60% 1893 16%
159 IACH 0.57A 1976 91 88 56 63% 1839 18%
160 BiBiChess 0.5 1963 75 73 89 63% 1823 12%
161 Laurifer 1.0 1963 42 43 244 46% 1968 19%
162 Warrior 1.0.3 1963 88 87 56 62% 1849 27%
163 ChessAlex 1.4-r4 1958 134 132 25 56% 1894 8%
164 Smash 1.0.3 1958 90 88 58 63% 1806 19%
165 Gully 2.15 pl10 1947 27 28 539 45% 1967 18%
166 Clueless 1.4 1939 133 133 25 54% 1895 12%
167 FireFly v2.3.2b2 (MMX) 1933 128 130 25 52% 1895 16%
168 SseChess 2.05 1926 49 49 182 54% 1873 19%
169 Alex 1.8.5 1911 149 145 25 60% 1773 8%
170 Surprise 4.3-b13JA 1909 133 133 25 52% 1875 8%
171 BikJump 1.5 1907 131 131 25 50% 1875 12%
172 Atak 5.03 1892 131 134 25 48% 1897 8%
173 Hopeless 0.47 1883 128 132 25 46% 1897 12%
174 Cilian 4.14 1877 36 36 356 49% 1871 16%
175 Amundsen 0.60ja 1861 134 139 25 46% 1898 4%
176 micro-Max 4.8-m 1854 141 140 25 56% 1776 8%
177 RDChess 3.23 1835 38 38 320 53% 1782 14%
178 Ajedrez Tactico 2.73b 1823 63 63 116 49% 1816 13%
179 HoiChess 0.10.0 1805 132 140 25 40% 1879 8%
180 Chaturanga 2.3 1787 141 146 25 48% 1778 8%
181 J.S.BAM 0.52 1772 65 66 118 46% 1794 4%
182 Heracles 0.5.14 1757 139 145 25 44% 1779 16%
183 Roce 0.0360 1757 147 151 25 48% 1779 8%
184 AtlanChess 4.0 1751 132 146 25 32% 1903 8%
185 Beaches 2.29 1740 135 143 25 44% 1780 16%
186 Jars 1.72.6 1728 142 151 25 44% 1781 8%
187 Elf 1.30 1727 53 54 172 46% 1741 13%
188 Adamant 1.7 1693 63 66 118 37% 1801 11%
189 Milady 2.22 1682 134 157 25 24% 1884 16%
190 Kanguruh 1.92c 1680 144 157 25 38% 1783 4%
191 Mizar 3.0 1667 79 83 85 32% 1828 9%
192 TSCP 1.81 1664 37 38 328 44% 1704 15%
193 Matilde 2007-x86 1661 131 152 25 22% 1885 20%
194 Damas 7c 1659 75 79 87 33% 1806 16%
195 Enigma 1.1.4 1658 47 48 232 39% 1751 12%
196 ChessRikus 1.4.66 1610 55 57 174 34% 1754 11%
197 Nanook 1.6 1586 146 176 25 16% 1909 8%
198 Wesp 0.8a 1509 163 224 25 14% 1891 4%
199 Dimitri 1.35-E 1507 108 126 58 15% 1875 5%
200 Dreamer beta 1490 151 172 25 22% 1790 12%
201 Eden 0.0.13u Java 1485 153 180 25 22% 1790 12%
202 Marquis 0.1.5 1442 176 247 25 6% 1915 4%
203 Nero 6.1 1424 80 88 116 17% 1789 6%
204 Roque 1.1 1411 94 109 91 12% 1848 5%
205 Youk 1.05 1163 84 99 174 5% 1760 5%
206 Numpty 0.22-pr 1142 220 288 25 2% 1804 4%
207 Chad'sChess 0.15 1005 60 68 452 4% 1693 2%

Leo Dijksman
Leo Dijksman

Number of posts : 454
Age : 70
Location : Stavenisse
Registration date : 2008-05-17


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