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WinBoard / XBoard 4.4.0 released

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WinBoard / XBoard 4.4.0 released Empty WinBoard / XBoard 4.4.0 released

Post  H.G.Muller Sun Sep 06, 2009 11:37 am

The final version of XBoard 4.4.0 has been released. It is obtainable both from the GNU-Savannah XBoard home page, as well as from the WinBoard forum.

Major new features compared to 4.3.15 are:
* that this is now an "official" version endorsed by GNU
* engine-defined options can be set from a GUI dialog (for UCI and WB engines!)
* (optional) engine logos are supported in WinBoard
* it is possible to analyze obeserved ICS games with an engine
* the WinBoard binary is distributed as an installer including all essential support programs (e.g. Polyglot) and many optional extras

Some Screenshots:

WinBoard / XBoard 4.4.0 released Marble
WinBoard using a marble board texture and /autoLogo=true

WinBoard / XBoard 4.4.0 released Settings
Dialog to set engine options, using WB protocol extensions and a Polyglot that supports them


Number of posts : 6
Registration date : 2009-01-02

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WinBoard / XBoard 4.4.0 released Empty WinBoard 4.4 for JAWS: Chess interface for the visually impaired

Post  H.G.Muller Mon Sep 07, 2009 1:07 pm

What I forgot to mention:

WinBoard 4.4.0 is also available in a special version for visually impaired people. It can be controlled completely through the keyboard (a mouse is useless if you cannot see the moue pointer...), allowing one to select board squares by using the arrow keys, and providing auditory feedback with the aid of the JAWS screen reader. It contains an extra set of menu commands (all operable through accellerator keys) to make JAWS recite information on the current position, such as location of pieces of a given type or color, occupancy of a selected square, moves into or out of a square, and the last move made.

This version is called WinBoard 4.4.0-JAWS.

I hope this version can get a special mention on the WBEC news page.


Number of posts : 6
Registration date : 2009-01-02

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WinBoard / XBoard 4.4.0 released Empty Re: WinBoard / XBoard 4.4.0 released

Post  Leo Dijksman Mon Sep 07, 2009 4:30 pm

Thanks Harm,

Looks great!

Best wishes,
Leo Dijksman
Leo Dijksman

Number of posts : 454
Age : 71
Location : Stavenisse
Registration date : 2008-05-17


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WinBoard / XBoard 4.4.0 released Empty Re: WinBoard / XBoard 4.4.0 released

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