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WBEC Ridderkerk setup for edition 16.......

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WBEC Ridderkerk setup for edition 16....... Empty WBEC Ridderkerk setup for edition 16.......

Post  Leo Dijksman Mon Jul 21, 2008 8:30 am

WBEC Ridderkerk setup for edition 16....... WBEC_logo1small

Setup for edition 16: (Played at 2 PC's, start in 2/3 weeks)

Premier = 28 engines, 4RR
(Group A & B each 14 engines, followed by a Champion and relegation group (14 eng each)

1st division = 24 engines, 4RR
(Group A & B each 12 engines, followed by a Champion/Promotion and relegation group (12 eng each)

2nd division = 24 engines, 4RR
(Group A & B each 12 engines, followed by a Champion/Promotion and relegation group (12 eng each)

3rd division = 24 engines, 4RR
(Group A & B each 12 engines, followed by a Champion/Promotion and relegation group (12 eng each)

4th division = 32 engines, 2RR
(Group A & B each 16 engines, followed by a Champion/Promotion and relegation group (16 eng each)

5th Division = 72 engines, 2RR = 4 groups, followed by a final and "Mr.Irrelevant" tourney.

Edition 16 will start with the 5th division group A & B, followed by C & D then 4th, 3rd end so on, when all groups are finished the "finals" will start starting with the 5th Exclamation

Best wishes,
Leo Dijksman
Leo Dijksman

Number of posts : 454
Age : 71
Location : Stavenisse
Registration date : 2008-05-17


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