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Building Deep Xadreco using the POSIX Subsystem for Windows

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Building Deep Xadreco using the POSIX Subsystem for Windows Empty Building Deep Xadreco using the POSIX Subsystem for Windows

Post  dann corbit Fri Oct 31, 2008 2:26 am

If you comment out this line (line 525):
//#include //Biblioteca para o ptrace

Then DeepXadreco10 builds and runs fine using the Interix POSIX Subsystem for Windows:

Here is a 32 bit version I made (but it won't run unless you install the POSIX subsystem):

dann corbit

Number of posts : 47
Location : Redmond, WA USA
Registration date : 2008-05-20


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Building Deep Xadreco using the POSIX Subsystem for Windows Empty Re: Building Deep Xadreco using the POSIX Subsystem for Windows

Post  dann corbit Fri Oct 31, 2008 2:32 am

Unfortunately, it dumps core once it starts analyzing (when it gets out of book).

dann corbit

Number of posts : 47
Location : Redmond, WA USA
Registration date : 2008-05-20


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Building Deep Xadreco using the POSIX Subsystem for Windows Empty Re: Building Deep Xadreco using the POSIX Subsystem for Windows

Post  dann corbit Fri Oct 31, 2008 2:47 am

More details:
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.

0x004083a0 in copimov(movimento*, movimento*) ()
2 60 29 1637 7. d1c2 e8g8 8. c2h7
(gdb) Filho numero: 967 - melhorcaminho: 7. ... d1c2 8. e8g8 c2h7 1 20 -5 224 3
7. h2h4 d2d4
2 60 50 1418 7. c3a4 e8g8 8. a4c5
Filho numero: 1543 - melhorcaminho: 7. ... c3a4 8. e8g8 a4c5 3
2 60 17 1612 7. c3a4 e8g8 8. a4c5
Filho numero: 1607 - melhorcaminho: 2 60 36 1460 7. ... c3a4 7. c3a4 8. e8g8 e8g8 a4c5 8. a4c5 3

Filho numero: 1671 - melhorcaminho: 7. ... c3a4 8. e8g8 a4c5 3
2 60 28 1607 7. d1c2 e8g8 8. c2h7
Filho numero: 1479 - melhorcaminho: 7. ... d1c2 8. e8g8 c2h7 3
2 60 53 1459 7. c3a4 e8g8 8. a4c5
Filho numero: 1927 - melhorcaminho: 7. ... c3a4 8. e8g8 a4c5 3
2 60 53 1549 7. c3a4 e8g8 8. a4c5
Filho numero: 1991 - melhorcaminho: 7. ... c3a4 8. e8g8 a4c5 3
2 60 15 1494 7. c3a4 e8g8 8. a4c5
Filho numero: 1735 - melhorcaminho: 7. ... c3a4 8. e8g8 a4c5 3

dann corbit

Number of posts : 47
Location : Redmond, WA USA
Registration date : 2008-05-20


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Building Deep Xadreco using the POSIX Subsystem for Windows Empty Building Deep Xadreco using the POSIX Subsystem for Windows

Post  beco Fri Oct 31, 2008 10:14 pm

Dear Dann,

Thanks for trying and finding a way to compile the code in Windows.

Regarding the error, I'm not sure what is the cause now. An approach is to see if the mono processed version also gives the same error. Another possibility is that windows do not allow data to be shared the same way, but this is just a long shot. The obvious is probably better: we might find some bugs in this function. Very Happy

I cannot give more attention to Xadreco for now, but I'll keep reading this forum, now that Leo had introduced me here. BTW, nice job Leo! Wink



Number of posts : 2
Registration date : 2008-10-31

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Building Deep Xadreco using the POSIX Subsystem for Windows Empty Re: Building Deep Xadreco using the POSIX Subsystem for Windows

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