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Sloppy 0.2.2 JA Windows builds available

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Sloppy 0.2.2 JA Windows builds available Empty Sloppy 0.2.2 JA Windows builds available

Post  jim ablett Sat Jul 11, 2009 8:55 pm

I've managed to compile some windows builds which don't crash now (fixed some compiler warnings).
x64 version works fine - compiled with Intel compiler 11.
Win32 version was still crashing when compiled with the Intel compiler, so I switched to Msvc
and it works now but will not load egbbs unfortunately (at least I couldn't get it to),
so not EGBB support with 32 bit compile.

Sloppy 0.2.2 JA

jim ablett
jim ablett

Number of posts : 58
Age : 59
Location : London, England
Registration date : 2008-05-23


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Sloppy 0.2.2 JA Windows builds available Empty Re: Sloppy 0.2.2 JA Windows builds available

Post  Leo Dijksman Sun Jul 12, 2009 6:50 am

jim ablett wrote:I've managed to compile some windows builds which don't crash now (fixed some compiler warnings).
x64 version works fine - compiled with Intel compiler 11.
Win32 version was still crashing when compiled with the Intel compiler, so I switched to Msvc
and it works now but will not load egbbs unfortunately (at least I couldn't get it to),
so not EGBB support with 32 bit compile.

Sloppy 0.2.2 JA


Thanks Jim!!
Leo Dijksman
Leo Dijksman

Number of posts : 454
Age : 71
Location : Stavenisse
Registration date : 2008-05-17


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