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STS (v6.0) - "Re-Capturing"

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STS (v6.0) - "Re-Capturing" Empty STS (v6.0) - "Re-Capturing"

Post  dann corbit Tue Sep 22, 2009 9:43 pm

Chapter 6 of the Strategic Test Suite: Re-Capturing is now available for download.

* Consists of carefully selected 100 questionairres on "Re-Capturing"

* All of the questions in this test suite are selected by me and thoroughly verified by Dann Corbitt - Each question has been analysed by top engines for hours. I initially selected about 160 problems and sent them to Dann, of which 100 has passed criteria. Dann then made the final selection after thorough tests.

* All the answers carry similar traits:

(1) Which Piece to use to re-capture.
(2) Tests your engine's understanding of Recapturing, choosing the best piece to re-capture, Mobility, Piece Activity.
(3) Covers different sequence of recaptures with slightly modified positions.

Download it! here:

Feel free to report the results from your engine/ favourite engine, suggestions are welcome.

Thanks to those who reported bugs and tested out the v1.0, v2.0, v3.0 and v4.0.

Test Suite Release time: 22nd of September 2009
Swaminathan and Dann Corbit
Co-Authored with Dann Corbit: Strategic Test Suite

dann corbit

Number of posts : 47
Location : Redmond, WA USA
Registration date : 2008-05-20


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