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STS (v7.0) - "Offer of Simplification"

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STS (v7.0) - "Offer of Simplification" Empty STS (v7.0) - "Offer of Simplification"

Post  dann corbit Wed Nov 04, 2009 9:16 pm

Chapter 7 of the Strategic Test Suite: Offer of Simplification is now available for download.

* Consists of carefully selected 100 questionairres on "Offer of simplification"

* All of the questions in this test suite are selected by me and thoroughly verified by Dann Corbitt through analysis with the help of top engines for hours. I initially selected about 170 problems and sent them to Dann, of which 100 has passed criteria. Dann then made the final selection after thorough tests.

* All the answers carry similar traits:

(1) Placing pieces in direction of trade especially when you're either materially superior or positionally superior.
(2) Tests your engine's understanding of simplification, trading of one of opponent's active pieces.
(3) The best moves involve the offer for trade of pieces. In most cases, the offer has to be accepted to avoid any more positional disadvantage but in some positions the offer is best declined.

Download it! here:

Thanks to those who reported bugs and tested out the v1.0, v2.0, v3.0 and v4.0, v5.0 and v6.0.

Test Suite release time: 4th of November, 2009
Swaminathan and Dann Corbit
Co-Authored with Dann Corbit: Strategic Test Suite

dann corbit

Number of posts : 47
Location : Redmond, WA USA
Registration date : 2008-05-20


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