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Update: Scorpio 2.3 (wb) x64/win32 JA builds available

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Update: Scorpio 2.3 (wb) x64/win32 JA builds available Empty Update: Scorpio 2.3 (wb) x64/win32 JA builds available

Post  jim ablett Sun Nov 29, 2009 3:05 am

Update: Scorpio 2.3 (wb) x64/win32 JA builds available Jszk2f
Scorpio 2.3 (wb) JA by Daniel Shawul

Intel compiler 11 (x64) & Msvc 8 (win32) pgo builds.

(from readme):
* Many changes in this version. Major change is use of bitboards in eval and move generation
using magic bitboards. It is far from done since I am a newbie to this stuff.
Many eval features were removed in the process which I will add on later through testing
Hopefully it improves things in the future otherwise it is bye bye slow attack tables Smile
Thank you Ed but I feel the need for speed Wink

* A small bug in alpha-beta is removed. After all this years I never thought I would find a bug
there. Oh well it is fixed now so i won't mention it.

* Other small changes here and there. Hope they improved things cause I neither have the resource
or the patience to test. Testing is my weakest attribute.


jim ablett
jim ablett

Number of posts : 58
Age : 59
Location : London, England
Registration date : 2008-05-23


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Update: Scorpio 2.3 (wb) x64/win32 JA builds available Empty Re: Update: Scorpio 2.3 (wb) x64/win32 JA builds available

Post  Dr.Wael Deeb Sun Nov 29, 2009 11:23 am

Thanks master Jim for your remarkable work Very Happy
Dr.Wael Deeb
Dr.Wael Deeb

Number of posts : 34
Location : Amman,Jordan
Registration date : 2008-05-22

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